Sunday, February 26, 2012

Things You Should Read...

Here are my responses to two blogs I found interesting. You should check them out as well.

Leana Weaver's Just a Snapshot blog post Macho Country Boy = Accepted

I have commented on one of your post already but I have to post on this one as well. My town is like that as well. Male, female, redneck, or whore. There were no in the middles or anything like that alot here was black and white. Anything gray or any other color was extremely looked down upon and talked about for.

Miriam Brook's Women Studies 301: post Homosexuality and Religion

I completely agree with your post. I can not stand a church that belittles others. That is my reason for currently not going to church. I find people use religion to justify their attitudes and hatred toward others and their "sins" but yet the Bible does not apply to the sins they commit themselves. My best friend from preschool is homosexual. He endured relentless torture in high school and to this day has only come out to a few close friends and family because he does not want the shame put on his family. I have always stood by him and will always do so and can not stand to see him hurt. I am so glad to see I am not the only one who has my beliefs

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