Monday, April 16, 2012

pop culture

Pop culture, what is it? Pop culture is everywhere. It is according to Wikipedia is the totality of ideas, perspectives, attitudes, memes, images and other phenomena that are preferred by an informal consensus within the mainstream of a given culture”. Pop culture has an influence on our everyday lives. Some may say that the media that portray our pop culture does not have an impact on them, but it does.

       I will use myself as an example. Pop culture has influenced me in both good and bad ways. I will say that I was brain washed as a child with the entire princess happily ever after movies. I grew up wanting the prince charming to come rescue me. I at 23 still want to know where the hell my knight in shining armor is. The media has taught many young women that we are meant to be rescued, that we need that man to save us. That was media’s negative impact on me. Making me thing to be complete I needed a man. Well I found a man to complete me. And the relationship was perfect for a little bit. Then the new wore off and reality set in.

       This is hen media’s positive impact comes into play. One night I was watching a documentary on unhealthy relationships. I realized almost everything they talked about my relationship contained. I justified that by saying the relationship was not abusive physically, that was until I decided to leave. At nine weeks pregnant I was grabbed and threw against a car held there in the freezing cold pouring rain at the end of December. I remembered the documentary and what it had said. So I left and I am raising my child basically alone.
       Pop culture makes single parenting look almost easy in the movies and on television and it is far from easy. I knew being a single mom and college student would not be easy. I knew society had unrealistic expectations for me. I have found my own way and made my own rules and standards. I am just happy in knowing that the media does have an impact on my life, but it is up to me to make it positive or negative.


  1. First of all let me start out by saying I love reading your posts so much! I agree that the media has us brain washed!! I'm adore classic literature; my two favorite books are Wuthering Heights and Northanger Abbey. I'm a hopeless romantic and I often find myself thinking "Mercy, when am I going to get married?" And then the real me comes through and say "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING???" I'm only 22 but I feel this pressure from everywhere to settle down. I love traveling and I don't like staying in the same place for too long. Ugh it just frustrates me that I have to censor myself from my own brain washed head.

  2. I agree with the entire fairy tale happy ending that we wish for when we are younger, being the only girl in a house full of brothers my parents referred to me as the princess. Even though this is my fourth year at college I still have my "princess/diva" moments but now growing up I realize I don't want to find "prince charming" for about 4 more years (I'm 21), but all of our situations are different of course! I agree girls need the sense of being rescued, which in my opinion may be why the divorce rate is what it is and also why girls choose to marry so young when they haven't even developed who they are themselves. But yes pop culture and our media definitely brain wash us from start to finish, no matter what the age.
