Monday, April 30, 2012

More Good Reads

Through out the semester I have read and watched these blogs. They always have something good to say, something that hits home with me.

This is my response to Will's blog about his mothers.
       I want to say I love reading your post. I think you offer a different view on the things we discuss in class because you are seeing these things from a male's point. With that being said this post hits closest to home with me. It has taken me all semester to get the nerve to comment on this post. I have no idea what it is like to actually lose a parent. But I know what it is like to think you have lost one. When I was six my mother was in a very abusive relationship. One day my baby brother who was about two at the time had been crying/sick all day and my mother was at her wits end. She had done nothing in the house all day. She had not cooked, cleaned, swept, mopped, made beds, nothing. Well her fiancĂ© came home and just went crazy. I watched him beat my mom and scream and yell and throw things. I watched this 6'5 man beat my tiny 5'4 120lb mother until she lay in the bathroom floor and pretended she was dead. He then took a shower got dressed and left. I remember sitting by my mom telling her he was gone. She opened her eyes as much as she could and told me to go back my brother a bottle and put what I could in his diaper bag and my back pack. I remember my aunt and uncle coming to pick us up and we never went back. To know that domestic violence hits so many homes is upsets me beyond belief. While your mother story is different than others I thank you for sharing. I also thank you for giving your step mom a chance. It took me a while to ever give mine a chance and now I don't know where I would be without my mother and step mom.
April 30, 2012 12:10 PM

This is my response to Hannah's response to Miriam's blog post.
        Ok so I am so glad you could not resist in posting this! I too cannot stand the slut shame. No person knows another’s stories or steps. I went through these things myself. In high school I was very outgoing. I spoke to everyone and I knew everyone. This did not settle well with others, because I was not the skinny "pretty" popular girl, so how on earth did everyone like me. My sophomore year a rumor was started that I was sleeping with a few of the "popular" srs. This was so far from true it was ridiculous. I was spending time after school with these boys, because I was tutoring them. I was labeled a whore my sophomore year and to my surprise a few of these boys helped the rumors out. I was horrified and one day the "leader" of the pack stood up and set the school straight. I was ok my jr year for there was too much else to talk about. Then my sr. year I won prom queen, and guess what people didn't like that. The rumor began that I won because I was "hooking up" with the baseball team. Which I was talking and hanging out with one of them, not all of them. Long story short it makes my blood pressure rise when I people call girls sluts or whores. I get into arguments on a daily basis on facebook over this issue. I am so glad to know somebody else shares me feelings!! Sorry for my long story/rant. ;)

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