Wednesday, May 2, 2012

what I learned

     This class has been the most amazing class I have taken to date. I signed up for this class thinking it would be an easy A. I mean heck I am a woman, how could I not pass. This class has been challenging both academically and personally. It has made me question my own beliefs and address issues with myself. Taking this class has allowed me to grow as a person. I have reevaluated my life and realize I am so much more that society has told me. I am a strong and beautiful person despite popular belief. I have learned that I am not alone in wanting a better world. I realize that I have been spoon fed exactly what the world wants me to have. I now have the confidence and the knowledge to speak up and say something when people are wrong about women. I have also found a passion for telling others about what I learn in this class. I have even added women’s studies as one of my IDS consentrations. I am hoping to one day be able to teach a women’s studies class. I hope everyone has gotten as much out of this class as I have. I feel so close to most of you because of the conversations we have had. I wish you all the best of luck!